Credit cards accepted in all hotels are VISA and Mastercard. Some establishments accept Diners Club, JCB and American Express cards. The credit card is used to guarantee your reservation. No debit will be made online except for special offers, in immediate prepayment.
You won't find cheaper ! On brithotel.com, we strive to offer you a cheaper rate than on other booking websites.
All the pricing and availability information presented on our website is updated in real time. This way you have the guarantee of availability at the time of your reservation.
Except for non-modifiable, non-cancellable offers, cancellations are not subject to a fee if they are made within the time limit of the Booking. Cancellations after this period will be charged a fee equal to the amount of the first night.
You can check in from 3pm on the day of your arrival and check out until 12 noon on the day of your departure from our establishment.
Yes, our hotel has several rooms that can accommodate disabled guests.
Yes, free private parking is available to our visitors.
No, our establishment is not equipped with charging stations.